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Thread: Abuse from HotFuzz

  1. Default Abuse from HotFuzz

    No general disrespect to the server and its rules, but HotFuzz probably should probably be suspended for a time or at least have a good talking to by an ULA. Reason: In italy/wcs I stated a complaint about stacked teams, like people do... and got ignored by admins... as usual. Stan was also there. I went into spec and immediately HotFuzz told me if I sit in spec he's going to kick me (with no more than 9 players present, mind you). I stated my peace about how it's kind of becoming a rule (though not a written one) not to exploit teams, and it was said so by a ULA. I've heard it mentioned by Cyber, at least. I passed the info along to HotFuzz and said I would be right back, and he promptly kicked me. Obviously, this is not the worst he could have done, but an admin not properly using his "power" is considered abuse. Everyone there pretty much considered it abuse as well. I came back and told him there was no reason to kick me, because I SAID I would be right back, then he tried to tell me I was exploiting the server by trying to trigger the team auto-balance. I've been an admin here. The only thing I've done is make the honest mistake of unintentionally putting a ward a bit too close to the bomb site. I'm familiar with the rules. He had no grounds to kick me and he knows that.

    I'd provide a demo, but the links to demos are not working right now for some reason, and I didn't record one. Sorry if that's a requirement.

    I know people like to sit in spec until they get the teams they want, and that's usually how it goes in wcs. I can certainly say that the only reason he got irritated and made a bad decision is because he's done just that and didn't like someone piping up about it. That is how teams get stacked. We all know this. It would be nice if everyone realistically considered this an exploit and considered actually writing a rule about it. That's another matter, though.

    Perhaps there is no punishment necessary, because I don't hold a grudge, but I'd like everyone to be aware that as a regular and a former admin here, I'm for the positive aspects and rules of this server. I don't cause problems, and I think a lot of people can agree with that.

    Thanks for reading.

    ~Chris (aka son.goku)
    It's my stomach.... I'm hungry!

  2. Default

    i hear ya but there may have been 7 people in server. i think it was 3v4 and he goes in spec to make auto balance happen... thats exploiting the server in my book. and he also stated that thats why he was going in spec for that reason. told him if he didnt join he would be kicked. he says i'll brb so i kicked like i said i would.

    there will be no exploits of the server while i am in there. also i am not the only one who agreed it was an exploit, not that i needed anyone else to agree...

    Also,, proper format... tisk tisk you should know this since "you've been an admin here"
    Rehab is for quitters...

    Quote Originally Posted by brett friggin favre View Post
    so lemme get this straight cowboy, you have a mustache, you fly shit, that a nascar tailgate? fuck bears, you shoot guns, you ride horses, you have a big ass sombrero...and is that you on a crotch rocket? c'mon man...i saw you as more of a mustang/chopper kind of guy
    Quote Originally Posted by maynard View Post
    pig and beer? shit you're my new best friend.

  3. Default

    no format, closed.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

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