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Thread: Weblines while planting the bomb

  1. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin View Post
    What I'm confused on is if you are still in range of where it is supposed to be planted (and I've seen this with planting on vaga's and such too but never on a difuse) then it really shouldn't matter. Your in X circle and it's still planted in x circle. If however you leave x circle then obv exploit is obv.
    im gonna go test it out in the test server for planting.
    gonna probably call brett in so he can plant it while i try to glitch defuse it.
    Started from bottom. Now we here. <IBIS>

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Trying to hack in IBIS is like trying to kill someone in a police station, not the best idea...

  2. Default

    I'll be on later tonight cyber.

    and the issue as you can see in the demo is that it turns a sitting duck into something that's a bitch to kill by bending the game mechanics
    Last edited by brett friggin favre; 01-04-2013 at 09:02 PM.

    Through the darkness of futures past,
    The magician longs to see
    One chants out between two worlds:
    Fire, walk with me.

  3. Default

    intentional double post, you can defuse while zipping around, but you must stay in range of the bomb and it must be in your vision.

    it's extremely annoying when trying to kill the planter though, they have the whole site to zip around in

    Through the darkness of futures past,
    The magician longs to see
    One chants out between two worlds:
    Fire, walk with me.

  4. Default

    Then obviously this needs to be a bannable offense.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin View Post
    Then obviously this needs to be a bannable offense.
    Honestly I will leave the final say to Zero or Maynatd on this one...
    because I trust them most when it comes to WCS.
    So far from what has been said though if you have to remain in the same area as everyone else...
    it isn't an issue.
    Use a shot gun or a P90... instead of burst shots... spray and pray and take down the target.

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Vladninja View Post
    Honestly I will leave the final say to Zero or Maynatd on this one...
    because I trust them most when it comes to WCS.
    So far from what has been said though if you have to remain in the same area as everyone else...
    it isn't an issue.
    Use a shot gun or a P90... instead of burst shots... spray and pray and take down the target.
    problem is that when you combine this movement with spidey's evasion, it's a bit easier said than done.they can also zip behind boxes and stuff to break your line of sight.

    Through the darkness of futures past,
    The magician longs to see
    One chants out between two worlds:
    Fire, walk with me.

  7. Default

    from what I'm hearing. this wont be restricted... it's simply the race using it's abilities 2 the best of it's advantage... same as how a molecule can plant or defuse for the majority of a plant or defuse with their shield up...

    if the spiderman has 2 be keeping it's vision on it... it can't really "zip around" other than small spurts... and bomb site areas are generally quite small... if anything, molecule sounds like it's less legit and more annoying with what it can do... and we allow that....

    once again, this is based on just what I'm hearing. will check on weds when I get my PC and make a ruling.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vladninja View Post
    Honestly I will leave the final say to Zero or Maynatd on this one...
    you been huffing paint again?

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  8. #18


    I do exact same thing when I plant with Vagalion. You can plant and teleport around AS LONG AS YOU ARE TOUCHING THE GROUND and holding fire with bomb on the site. It's more or less utilizing our abilities and ripping game mechanics apart to avoid a guy walking in with his fancy shmancy lace.

    Just wanted to say - it's pretty much same thing with spider-man in that situation just he is visible where a vaga is not. - anime | manga | reviews

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by maynard View Post
    you been huffing paint again?
    Nope thats what you get when you type on your phone after a few drinks...

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