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Thread: summoning off the map

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    Quote Originally Posted by CYBER View Post
    i wouldnt go that far. We DID rule out in the past few years that you ARE allowed to summon people off cliffs.
    And many people time the ultimate properly so that it summons exactly as they are jumping over a pit or out towards the open and landig back on a close edge, making the unaware summonee fall to a bigger distance.

    And heck i've personally been one of the first people to buy socks as eye rae and summon off cliffs on aztec and dolls etc. i even did that in the scrim and no bitching happened then. It depends on what race the summonee is. And thats not something u can control
    And dont forget that many many times the enemy ends up killing YOU before they fall because they're gd, or zip/tele away from falling while u just looked like an idiot...Lets not go as far as completely preventing this SMART combo because of ONE very situational case above...

    This has never been an issue before and summoning people to their falling dealth has always been allowed aco, because the player gets no exp from the world kill.

    Summoning off edges is PART of game mecanics, now i get what u guys are trying to say aboutthose SPECIFIC glitches outside maps, but not to completely ban the socks-summoning combo because its not an exploit to use a race optimally without breaking the system ya know
    Quote Originally Posted by OMGBEARS
    I feel it is important for me to let you know how feeble your efforts to strike such feelings inside of me really are. I have the internal fortitude of a large animal, an elephant, for instance. Likewise, I'm the result of coitus between the devil and a pack mule made out of chainsaws, so I am extremely strong, and carry little care for others in this world. Trees also stand aside due to my chainsaw blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    How am I supposed to tell you to fuck off without replying ?

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by acolyte_to_jippity View Post
    I counter your Maynard (who was only an ADMIN at the time), with a ZERO: a post made more recently than your post.
    quotes from that OFFICIAL RULES THREAD:

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    They should be allowed to summon over cliff. The balance is in the fact that they will not gain xp from the opponent killing themselves. Also the chance to stop them is before the power activates. Also think what would happen if they summoned someone that could drop wards. There are many ways to balance out this race stopping them from dropping noobs to their doom is not one of them.
    Quote Originally Posted by maynard View Post
    if that's how you want it then it's your call. I just disagree cause you're giving people negative scores when you do that cause it counts as a suicide. but if you want it like that it's not the end of the world, there's few maps you can even do that on, so it doesn't really matter.

    Not to mention that RULE #1 in the WCS RULES talks about eye rae glitching you into vents. There's no place where it says that it cannot summon off cliffs.

    Your argument might have been valid for 2 days in 2009, but 2 days afterwards, this newer ruling came out. and i follow the most recent ones made by Zero, the owner, over maynard who was admin at that time. (no offence maymay, but we were all non-clanners and ulas at some point...)

    But now im sure that clan-status maynard and zero can both come to an understanding here?
    personally i don't think summoning to death should be disallowed based on force of habit in the server and no one complaining about it. Fact is, it's one of the best plays to do as eye rae. But hey, that's just my humble opinion.
    Started from bottom. Now we here. <IBIS>

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Trying to hack in IBIS is like trying to kill someone in a police station, not the best idea...

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