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Thread: Surprised about who can get admin

  1. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Rapedollar$ View Post
    look me up if he is fucking around... banning admins does seem to be my specialty anyways...
    for you? he doesn't even have to be fucking around. just get trashed and play gg, he'll end up banned one way or another.

    Through the darkness of futures past,
    The magician longs to see
    One chants out between two worlds:
    Fire, walk with me.

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by brett friggin favre View Post
    just get trashed
    Ill drink to that

    We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm ~ George Orwell

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Step 1: Get Admin
    Step 2:
    Step 3: Get Perma Banned
    Quote Originally Posted by blackmail242 View Post
    ... IBIS in the name right? ibis.a means admin while IBIS means Shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down.
    Quote Originally Posted by SCRIBBLE View Post
    It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived. — General George S. Patton

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Rapedollar$ View Post
    look me up if he is fucking around... banning admins does seem to be my specialty anyways...

    Fuck you asshole....this ones MINE!!!!! lol

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by JigSaW View Post
    Report him through the proper avenues (Admin abuse section), and appropriate action will take place.
    holy fuck! jigsaw?

    man i havent seen you in ages! get ur ass in game soon man

    and as for wheatie, dnt wry.
    the money is free money for the server, but he's already on ownsie's shitlist and he's just a kid that is scared shitless of authority once it hits him in the face... i've seen him BEG to not get banned bcos he screwed up...

    so yah, the money is free server money. if he fucks up, he will learn the hard way that ulas and clans can still ban him if needed in order to discipline him.
    if he fucks up, let us know. we'll teach him a gd lesson progressively.

    its not the first time an unwanted person got admin, and it wont be the last.
    Started from bottom. Now we here. <IBIS>

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Trying to hack in IBIS is like trying to kill someone in a police station, not the best idea...

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Hitman View Post
    Fuck you asshole....this ones MINE!!!!! lol
    Gentlemen... Gentlemen... lets not squabble and bicker amongst ourselves.... more so cause he's MINE!!!!

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by maynard View Post
    Gentlemen... Gentlemen... lets not squabble and bicker amongst ourselves.... more so cause he's MINE!!!!
    Three way Hell in a Cage with Cobras in the pit....

    I dare you.......better yet...I NICHOLAS CAGE DARE YOU!

  7. Default

    No screw y'all!! Im the one he apologized to. Mine!!!!

    If you were a beautiful sound in the echos all around, I'd be your harmony.

  8. Default

    I would like to say that i have not been spamming the mic, and one of the reasons i bought admin (one) was because about 3 of those 10 bans were for a legit reason and i had so many i didn't bother making an abuse thread. One day i discovered the slay @all and phil send me to a link saying it was not allowed. Problem solved. If you really think I'm abusing my powers (which the whole spamming shit, i haven't been spamming the damn mic. Maybe when i talk, you think, "this kid has a fucking annoying voice," and go to "WHEATIES IS SPAMMING THE MIC OMGWTF!" If you really don't want to hear me go to your player list.

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Trigger Unhappy View Post
    Hi All,
    I understand that $11 bucks a month can get anyone admin. I guess i just didn't realize that that would include anyone. No Wheaties purchased admin so that he would stop getting "banned by admins who didn't like him." This is a direct quote from him. I am sorry, but this tells me that he does not respect the current GG admins or the rules on the server. The kid basically purchased the right to stop being muted and banned, and he is taking full use of it. He continues to mic spam, for which he has been banned multiple times in the past. This has not been put in the admin abuse sub forum because it's not technically abuse, but it is annoying as fuck all. Also question for everyone so that I know what i can put in the Admin abuse forum. 2 things that bother me. He uses Slap @all a lot after round. And when a Mutt and I were on level 17 an RTV vote started. I asked him to cancel it and his response was "Yolo." Any of these things abuse worthy?
    and many people were asking me to change the map i even called a vote for it it just took me a while to future out how

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by NoWheaties View Post
    I would like to say that i have not been spamming the mic, and one of the reasons i bought admin (one) was because about 3 of those 10 bans were for a legit reason and i had so many i didn't bother making an abuse thread. One day i discovered the slay @all and phil send me to a link saying it was not allowed. Problem solved. If you really think I'm abusing my powers (which the whole spamming shit, i haven't been spamming the damn mic. Maybe when i talk, you think, "this kid has a fucking annoying voice," and go to "WHEATIES IS SPAMMING THE MIC OMGWTF!" If you really don't want to hear me go to your player list.
    WOAH WOAH WOAH, never bind slay @all, are you retarded?! I sent you the link for the !slap @all, not slay. Anywho, just don't bind it hahaha.

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