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Thread: Stop fucking restarting server without approval

  1. Default Stop fucking restarting server without approval

    At least have the decency to let another admin know before you fucking restart the server instead of restarting it willy nilly cus you fucking feel like it.

    Would you like a slice of Bread?

  2. Default

    You're a huge idiot... we already knew that but just incase we have some newbies it should be reiterated here for them. Also willy nilly is brett favre aka ula. So he doesn't need to ask your helmet wearing retard ass for permission. I think he know's what he is doing. Go eat some more paint chips kid instead of crying on the forums about shit that doesn't matter.

    Oh and just in case you are are using the phrase willy nilly. Stop being so damn passive aggressive! Jesus grow some balls and list the name. Still it stands that I think you are an idiot, and some sort of 12 year old girl posting passive aggressive threads on the forums.

  3. Default

    i didn't have anything to do with this.

    Through the darkness of futures past,
    The magician longs to see
    One chants out between two worlds:
    Fire, walk with me.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Carmichal View Post
    You're a huge idiot... we already knew that but just incase we have some newbies it should be reiterated here for them. Also willy nilly is brett favre aka ula. So he doesn't need to ask your helmet wearing retard ass for permission. I think he know's what he is doing. Go eat some more paint chips kid instead of crying on the forums about shit that doesn't matter.

    Oh and just in case you are are using the phrase willy nilly. Stop being so damn passive aggressive! Jesus grow some balls and list the name. Still it stands that I think you are an idiot, and some sort of 12 year old girl posting passive aggressive threads on the forums.
    (a) willy nilly is an expression you idiot

    (b) if this doesnt apply to you, clearly i am not fucking talking about you and you have no idea what the context is so piss off

    (c) your last comment is a useless matter of opinion so again, refer to (b)
    Would you like a slice of Bread?

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Bread View Post
    (a) willy nilly is an expression you idiot

    (b) if this doesnt apply to you, clearly i am not fucking talking about you and you have no idea what the context is so piss off

    (c) your last comment is a useless matter of opinion so again, refer to (b)

    A) Paint chips are bad, don't eat them. This video should be on your level.

    B) Yes you are an idiot.

    C) I have no context cause this is a vague passive aggressive thread.

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Carmichal View Post
    A) Paint chips are bad, don't eat them. This video should be on your level.

    B) Yes you are an idiot.

    C) I have no context cause this is a vague passive aggressive thread.
    (a) lol uhm, ok? whatever you do in your personal time is none of my business

    (b) well thats just like, your opinion man. otherwise, in my opinion, youre a worthless sack of shit who thinks he is able to talk down to people on the internet because he is hiding behind a computer monitor. congratulations, you must feel very enlightened for being as useless as every mother fucking internet user in the world.

    (c) they know who they are so let it just be a blanket word to all
    Would you like a slice of Bread?

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Bread View Post
    (a) lol uhm, ok? whatever you do in your personal time is none of my business

    (b) well thats just like, your opinion man. otherwise, in my opinion, youre a worthless sack of shit who thinks he is able to talk down to people on the internet because he is hiding behind a computer monitor. congratulations, you must feel very enlightened for being as useless as every mother fucking internet user in the world.

    (c) they know who they are so let it just be a blanket word to all

    A) I just wanted to let you know that you're not supposed to put paint chips in your mouth. I'd prefer if you chugged some bleach instead. It would eliminate the problem instead of making it worse.

    B) She*. It has also been my opinion that I'd rather be an asshole than an idiot. Also hiding behind a computer? As opposed to what? Would you like me to buy a plane ticket to say it to your face? As hilarious as that might be I'm too busy looking up videos that will make you upset.

    C) You remind me of teenage girls who post rants about someone who has hurt their feeling on facebook and when ask who they are talking about say "they know who they are." How is that supposed to help your cause again? I guess a drama queen like you cannot be bother to think things through when she's just so very upset!

  8. Default

    How about everyone stops arguing, and fill in some info on what's happening?

    Bread, pick what describes your situation the most:

    1. You are here to report that some UNKNOWN admin in zmod is abusing the rcon_ command to restart the server.
    2. You are here to report that some KNOWN admin in zmod is abusing the rcon_ command to restart the server.
    3. You are here to report that an admin used the rcon_ command to restart the server when the server was actually in NEED of a restart.
    4. You are here to report that an admin used the rcon_ command to restart the server properly, but failed to inform YOU of it beforehand.
    5. You are here to report that a known ULA or CLAN member restarted the server in game without informing you beforehand.
    6. You are here to report that, for some reason unbeknownst to you, the server restarted once out of the blue.
    7. You are here to report that, for some reason unbeknownst to you, the server restarted multiple times constantly after intermittent crashes.
    8. You are here to report that the server needed a restart and an admin informed you that they they will restart the server by order of CLAN when you disapproved.
    9. You are here to report that you think the server DIDN'T need a restart, but an admin informed you that it had to be done by order from CLAN.
    10. You are here to report that that bong you just smoked is actually working on numbing down your brain till oblivion.

    Here are the expected solutions to above possible scenarios:
    1- Post demos of the map transition along with a datestamp of the events so that Zero can check admins logs.
    2- Post demos of the map transition along with a datestamp of the events so that Zero can check admins logs.
    3- A-He was senior? He did the right thing, why the fuck are you even arguing about this? No one cares what you think.
    B-He wasn't senior? Skip to (4).
    4- Handle it the same shit as (1), and treat it as admin abuse for not asking you to do it instead. This may or may not result in the admin being punished, or your case being ignored. It is a case by case handling, and will depend only on clan input.
    5- STFU and sit back while the big boys who KNOW what they are doing and have more experience than you, take care of the situation.
    6- Refer to (1) so that zero figures out if it was an admin, the server, or HIM doing the restarts.
    7- Unless you identified an admin intentionally restarting the server, then that is just normal behavior on ibis servers, especially if Zero is doing some work in the back end. It's basically the server trying to recover from a crash and stabilizing, which isn't easy if ns2 servers are loading a map at the same time. So either post a demo of it like (1), or stfu and let nature take its course.
    8- Since the order came from above your rank. Please refer to 5.
    9- Doesn't matter if it needed a restart or not. The order came from above your rank, refer to 8, or 5, wtvr the fuck rocks ur boat.
    10- Well take it out of your ass, and try inhaling it orally this time. Oh and, the bong too.

    11- This is a universal answer: Fucking ZMOD....

    Now, unless you have something fucking constructive to add, please identify your problem by number, read the solution, and do it properly because no customer representative is available for your ass at the moment.

    Have a good day, bitches.
    Started from bottom. Now we here. <IBIS>

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Trying to hack in IBIS is like trying to kill someone in a police station, not the best idea...

  9. Default

    Yeah, it'll help if you let us know what time this happened, what map you were on, and other admin's that were on the server with you.

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by phil.™ View Post
    Yeah, it'll help if you let us know what time this happened, what map you were on, and other admin's that were on the server with you.
    tl;dr, it would help to provide us any useful information at all.

    OP, stop being a whiney bitch. either bring proof and/or specific incidents, or lodge your head firmly up your ass.
    Quote Originally Posted by OMGBEARS
    I feel it is important for me to let you know how feeble your efforts to strike such feelings inside of me really are. I have the internal fortitude of a large animal, an elephant, for instance. Likewise, I'm the result of coitus between the devil and a pack mule made out of chainsaws, so I am extremely strong, and carry little care for others in this world. Trees also stand aside due to my chainsaw blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    How am I supposed to tell you to fuck off without replying ?

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