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Thread: Regular expression searching in stats?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Steamer View Post
    What Jeb said. Even a DHCP network can be readily masked. I get what your saying cyber, but only external ip counts. It's MAC or nothing. Then again MAC can be spoofed. With enough know how, I shall always return.

    no wonder i fuckin failed my networking course 4 times (not a joke, that's like my damn kryptonite in my damn field:S)

    well i don't know to that extent, but what i do know is that people, who have multiple ip addresses logged to stats, usually 2-3 of them are almost identical, with only difference in the last digits.
    and as far as i know, it WILL help at least filtering some ips or put a list of people that i can take a look at manually... just saves me time.

    brett and i already caught like 2-3 bypassers (proven on other counts too) just by running a crapton of ip searches and discover that only the last digit was different, and we could have spotted that a long time ago had we been able to search by the first few numbers.

    hell, catching haxor's marijuana account was greatly helped by the location of his ip compared to his other accounts.

    now i could be wrong on some networking facts, because it's not my forte, but i would definitely appreciate the functionality i'm requesting, if possible?
    Started from bottom. Now we here. <IBIS>

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Trying to hack in IBIS is like trying to kill someone in a police station, not the best idea...

  2. Default

    It is difficult, ip, networks and all the shit can be masked changed etc the real smart asses will bypass almost everything u try, but then again seeing the average hackers, there not that smart after all.

    1 # 1

    “Language is a complicated thing! It has multiple meanings.”

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by CYBER View Post
    brett and i already caught like 2-3 bypassers (proven on other counts too) just by running a crapton of ip searches and discover that only the last digit was different, and we could have spotted that a long time ago had we been able to search by the first few numbers.
    But that really isn't something that the user controls. I don't choose what my IP address is when I play, Comcast decides that for me. And if I use some manipulation to receive a new one, then I don't have a say in that either. When you ban someone's IP address it's not going to matter in a few months time when their ISP allocates them a new one. Hell, there's even a small chance that two unrelated players can get an address in the same close IP range provided they have the same ISP and live near each other.

    Perhaps I'm not understanding how you were using ip searches to discover bypasses.
    my name a jebby

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by mandihowells View Post
    i was not known with the class a, b and c and through the read of the post above i got them .. Appreciate sharing this information with us here
    why is this still here?
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by MandiHowells View Post
    i was not known with the class A, B and C and through the read of the post above i got them .. appreciate sharing this information with us here
    Congratulations. Your understanding of networking is probably on par with your command of the English language.
    my name a jebby

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