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Thread: Huge ass list of balance suggestions

  1. Default Huge ass list of balance suggestions

    First off not every suggestion is meant to be used together. Several changes will harp on problems with an ability/race and using any one of those would be a decent change to help mitigate the issue. On to the changes.

    Unrestrict Awp/Autos or restrict P90 as well.

    All races
    200-250 HP hard cap

    Mask: Broken, fix or remove.
    Boots: Increase bonus speed by 0.1-0.15
    Add: Longjump item Cost 3500-4500
    Add: Dust of apperance; colors enemy model some color for 3-6 seconds when hit. Should be made to work against bond, lion, rapscallion and any partial invis race

    Vampiric Aura: Remove tracing visual
    Vampiric Aura: Decrease leech amount by 15% at max, increase leech chance by 5% at max

    Stormwind Cloak: Decrease invis percentage by 10-15% at max level
    Bash: Remove visual
    Bash: [This one will actually pertain to and be referenced by other skills later on that use the same method of stopping player movement] Remove 100% slow(This is an extremely poor way to handle assuring players are frozen due to how slows affect aim and recoil). Replace with a try/catch similar to lace that will detect if player is using a jetpack like ability or if the player is currently bashed or affected by another movement stopping skill. It will stop the ability for the duration of the bash, freeze them, then unfreeze and enable the skill again.
    Shopmenu: Restrict Orb of Frost and Periapt of health.

    Orcish Horde
    Critical Strike: Remove tracing visual
    Critical Strike: Decrease critical strength by 15-25%, increase chance by 5-8% at max levels
    Respawn: Decrease god mode time by half

    Night Elf
    Evasion: Remove tracing visual
    Trueshot Aura: Remove tracing visual
    Thorns: Remove tracing visual
    Entangling Roots: See bash
    Entangling Roots: Decrease entangled time by 2-3 seconds at max level; decrease cooldown by 25%
    Shopmenu: Restrict Helm of Excellence

    Blood Mage
    Banish: Rework this totally. Current banish is a concept failure as it alters the location of the crosshair making it 100% luck based kills while under its effects. The old reverse zoom was hugely effective.
    Flame Strike: Reduce burn time by half; Decrease cooldown by 30%

    Shadow Hunter
    Hex: Extremely underpowered. Only current value is attacking molecule through it's ultimate at a very rare chance. Perhaps a 1-5% chance ability to cause enemies to reload their weapon on attack.

    Shadow strike: Double the slow and damage
    Vengeance: Add a 5-25% chance to go into a Vengeance frenzy upon respawn gaining 10-30 HP and an addtional 4-12 damage on attack.

    Crypt Lord
    Locust Swarm: Do not allow use if player cannot gain any HP from use
    Locust Swarm: Add a range 1.5 times the size of Orcish Horde chain lighting
    Locust Swarm: Change to passive with a 1-5% chance to inflict 10-30 damage and 15-35 armor damage on attack

    Earthquake: Decrease shake by a magnitude of 2
    Weapons of the Archmage: Add a menu asking if you want to receive the weapons when it procs

    Flame Predator
    Claw Attack: Change from a weapon drop to forcing the player to pull out their knife
    Burning Blade: Decrease burn time by 0.5-1 seconds

    Speed: Decrease by 0.5-0.1 at max level
    Evade: Decrease by 5% at max level
    Force Field: Make it a clone of Shadow Hunters Voodoo
    Force Field: Change to doubling evade for 2-6 seconds remove freeze and 100% slow

    Regeneration: Change to a gain of 10-24(2 per level) HP per kill and 5% speed per kills.

    Spider Man
    Spidey Sense: drop max chance to 25% evade
    Agility: Max LJ 140-150% drop speed by 10% at max
    Web Shooter: See Bash.
    Web Shooter: 25% chance at max
    Weblines: Add a 2-3 second cooldown. Have a longer cooldown at earlier levels.

    Succubus Hunter
    DTransformation: Add 10-25% speed when used

    Wall Climb: Check to make sure values are the same as what the skill info says.
    Flip view: Cut time flipped by half
    Rematch: Set a limit to rematches; 2 maybe 3

    Half the total levels of the race change new skill maxes to be 75-80% of current maxes
    Flickering Shadows: Remove and deduct the levels from the total level of the race
    Levitation: Change values to .8-.4 of normal.
    Complete Invisibility:[Will also apply to Vagalion] Add a 3 second cooldown to all levels
    Complete Invisibility:[Will also apply to Vagalion] Add a delay to when the player becomes invisible making it in flight rather than before
    Complete Invisibility:[Will also apply to Vagalion] Add a trail for 0.25 seconds after initial use
    Complete Invisibility:[Will also apply to Vagalion] Half the time after use that the player is frozen
    Shopmenu: Restrict Periapt of Heath

    Strider Hiryu
    (Remove the race; I'm serious with this )
    Flying Dragon: Decrease speed to a maximum of 1.7; 1.6 preferred
    Flying Dragon: Add a 25-10 second cooldown after releasing the ability1 key
    Kayakujutsu: Decrease burn time by half
    Kayakujutsu: Remove burn time, replace with a 10% slow for the current burn time
    Portal: Add a 30-15 second cooldown
    Shopmenu: Restrict Cloak

    Thunder God: Change ability into a speed ability 1.25-1.35 max
    Thunder God: Change ability to a ward ability; 1 ward, 20-25 damage every 1.5-2 seconds at max level
    Raiden's Wrath: Change to a passive 0.5-4% chance to strike an enemy with lighting instantly killing them or dealing heavy damage; 70-150

    Hell Hunter
    Fire arrows: Remove burn and double the damage over time
    Fire grenades: Increase the area of effect by 1.5

    Bash: See Human Bash
    Entangle: See Human Bash

    Hell's Demon
    Restrict: Shotguns and P90

    Shopmenu: Restrict Ring or Clock

    Shadow of the Void
    Deaths Shadow: Double the damage
    Vision of the Void: Double the duration of the blind
    Vision of the Void: Increase max chance to 30%

    Eye Ra
    Lens of Truth: Fix?
    Summon: Add a range 3-4 times that of Orcs chainlightning( ~150 feet)

    Proto Star: Reduce max chance to 35%
    Nebula: Reduce invis time to 3-3.5 seconds

    Die Xonvert
    Blood Lust: Change to 15% chance to do 10-25 damage and gain it yourself
    Freeze by Fear: See Human Bash

    Burning Beast: Change ability into "Raging Beast" 5-10% chance when hit to give full ammo and 10-15 HP

    Blades: Switch with Vagalion's Blades
    Complete Invisibility: Remove cooldown
    Complete Invisibility: Remove current animation and replace with Vagalion ultimate visual.

    Medusa's gaze: Triple the cooldown
    Medusa's gaze: Remove the tracing visual
    Medusa's gaze: See Human Bash
    Medusa's gaze: Half the freeze time
    Medusa's gaze: Decrease range by 25%
    Shopmenu: Unrestrict Lace

    Dragon Fly
    Blood Loss: Double the damage and increase the proc chance by 10% at max
    Shopmenu: Restrict Ahnk[Needs to also be made so that one can't get the weapon, die, changerace then buy ahnk. Perhaps making Dragon Fly changerace only when you next spawn]

    -Will do when I'm next on the server can't remember skill names-

    Flickering shadows: Remove and deduct levels from race's total level
    Blades: Switch with Rapscallions Blades
    Levitation: Change values to 0.8-0.4 of normal
    Complete Invisibility: See Vagabond

    -Will do when I'm next on the server can't remember skill names-

    If you have any question about why I suggest something in particular please do ask and I'll try to relay why I think the change is fitting. Also others feel free to add other suggestions to the list or change my suggestions a bit.

  2. Default

    It looks like you made a list of things you don't like more than a list of balancing issues, in fact, im 100% certain thats what this is.

    Unrestricting those guns is a terrible idea, and restricting the p90 makes no sense, yes it is a good gun on wcs, but no better or worse than the m4 or ak which beat it out on amount of damage and kills overall.

    Tracing visuals were added to most of those races you mentioned, they are there for a reason.

    You do realize almost everything you suggest would make the game tremendously more unbalanced, like allowing athena to purchase a lace or completely nerfing their abilities, like medusas gaze on athena.

    As for your bash comments, the complete freeze fucked up your aim far more than the slowing effect, which is why it was changed.

    Rapscallion cooldown is not an issue once it is maxed, there is a reason it has levels.

    Lulz on cooldown for vaga

    Most of the abilitites you want to change would make some of the races identical to others.

    Thats all im going to comment on right now, I mean seriously, you either suggested a total nerf for abiliites you don't like, or making the ones you do completely OP. Congratulations the longest and worst post I have ever read.
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

  3. #3


    Don't need to get back on the server to look at the race abilities. They are already listed in the forums under WCS Races. Now.... about your Vagabond/Vagalion requests - I have say in it and you probably expected this shit, who the fuck knows or cares. To make it easier than scrolling up and down - I'm requoting them as if though it was the Race Suggestion Thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by Brice View Post
    Half the total levels of the race change new skill maxes to be 75-80% of current maxes
    Flickering Shadows: Remove and deduct the levels from the total level of the race
    Levitation: Change values to .8-.4 of normal.
    Complete Invisibility:[Will also apply to Vagalion] Add a 3 second cooldown to all levels
    Complete Invisibility:[Will also apply to Vagalion] Add a delay to when the player becomes invisible making it in flight rather than before
    Complete Invisibility:[Will also apply to Vagalion] Add a trail for 0.25 seconds after initial use
    Complete Invisibility:[Will also apply to Vagalion] Half the time after use that the player is frozen
    Shopmenu: Restrict Periapt of Heath
    Flickering Shadows (for Vagabond) -> I still remember when that was actually broken and never worked.
    Don't care so much for Levitation. I can argue about that with you because shit is lower than Vagalion.
    Complete Invisibility -> no. Keep the .5 sec CD on the race. You get rid of Flickering Shadows, you're asking the player who plays either vaga races to play like a rapscallion that can actually fly successfully. Also they are literally walking targets at that point (which I imagine is what you want.)
    Don't care about any shop restrictions like Periapt of Health because I rarely buy items.

    Quote Originally Posted by Brice View Post
    Flickering shadows: Remove and deduct levels from race's total level
    Blades: Switch with Rapscallions Blades
    Levitation: Change values to 0.8-0.4 of normal
    Complete Invisibility: See Vagabond
    Time for Vagalion!
    Flickering Shadows (for Vagalion) -> refer to my thoughts on Flickering Shadows (for Vagabond). IMO though - don't make us go completely invisible. Make it like Vagabond's Flickering Shadow and I would be fine with this. When we go Completely Invisible without even teleporting, we are just a floating knife. It's silly. I'd rather blink like a Vagabond than fade.
    Blades -> Teehee... I'd still proc as many times as I need to with it.
    Levitation -> Should both be same for Vagalion and Vagabond. I think Vagabond is SLIGHTLY faster too.
    Complete Invisibility -> Teleknifing is a thing. Sorry. Love, Wolfenstinger.

    Those are my only two races I'm going to touch base on. If I touch on any more, it would take a couple posts. . . - anime | manga | reviews

  4. Default

    Well I think you hit the nail on the head when you said , "I imagine its what you want." Thats what 99% of these suggestions are.

    Anything that causes extra damage, fucks up aim, or is hard to hit is something he wants to see gone or reduced to a useless level. Why? Because thats how he feels he gets killed the most.

    Brice, if you want a straight up, "I shoot faster and better than you" type of mod, play gungame. Your "Suggestions" for wcs would make the abilities of nearly every race an after thought. Thats not what WCS is and thats not what makes it fun.
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

  5. #5


    the comment on bash gave me idea, the freeze (and slow) messes with projectiles because of momentum

    perhaps this can be remedied by slowing the player 100% (like it does now) but immediately after you undo that and then redo it again, the undo should (might?) reset the momentum issue so that the only momentum is the nearly insignificant amount between when they're unfrozen and refrozen

    the traces on the abilities should stay IMO

    medusa's gaze might need to be a little longer on cooldown, but not nearly three times as long

    void doesn't need more damage, it's pretty crazy as it is (i know since i use it quite often) and the vision thing is fine as is

    raging beast is just a flat bad idea, get hit for 15, heal 45 with full ammo? if you want to make beast near unkillable sure

    vagas as a race are fine as is, you can use eye ra to see them instead of buying something, some of the less appreciated (or harder to use) races might be encouraged to get an ability to see vagas like ra does to have an insentive to play them?

    magician restrictions i think is a bad idea, the magician only needs to die once to lose those, bird is a magician's bread and butter really

    eye ra is fine as is

    weblines: MAYBE 1 second, if that
    evade is pretty intense, but it's the spidey's most adventageous ability (arguable i suppose)

    races shouldn't be average to kill as any race or no race, that's why we choose races, each race should be just a liiiiitle bit OP in it's own. unique. way.
    these changes would largly make all the races more bland and narrow the differences between one and another

    when you say "god i hate {RACE}'s {RACE_ABILITY}!" then something done right (most of the time)
    each ability that makes each race a little bit OP should be able to be countered with gamesense or aim, for example just earlier today gunslinger and i were going at it, he was a vagabond i was night elf, his lack of aim, my evasion, and my aim let me win more than half the time against him

    he could've killed me with just a little better aim or movement, i could've killed him more with better aim or by buying a lace (which i did later), our engagements were genuinly fun and challenging and, in my opinion, an amazing example of what engagements should be like between any given two races

    flavorfull and fun, with a little bit of swaty-palm intensity that you get playing a really hard level of a video game (analogies yaaaaay)
    A programming genius called HEAP
    Had trouble in getting to sleep
    So he made his lambs troup
    through a huge FOR-NEXT loop
    FOR 1 TO 10000: NEXT sheep.

  6. Default

    Kiony, I don't understand how you can be a good admin, have an intelligent and coherent understanding of the mod, and still just be such pure garbage at the game. Are missing thumbs or something?
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by What View Post
    Kiony, I don't understand how you can be a good admin, have an intelligent and coherent understanding of the mod, and still just be such pure garbage at the game. Are missing thumbs or something?
    thumbs no work well

    how do i thumb?

    my poor internet connection may have part to do with it (will change within the month as i move to an apartment with good interwebz)

    most i think it's because the speed i'm comfortable with looking (not aiming, but directing my movement in-game) is higher than my speed at aiming

    if i lower my speed i get annoyed that i can't look at the person fast enough, but with it as high as it is i can't aim at someone's head very well

    also i'm very bad at correcting for recoil :-/
    A programming genius called HEAP
    Had trouble in getting to sleep
    So he made his lambs troup
    through a huge FOR-NEXT loop
    FOR 1 TO 10000: NEXT sheep.

  8. Default

    Fucks sake. Did that really not post? I ain't writing that shit a 3rd time tonight. I'll respond to all the posts some time tomorrow.

  9. Default

    You do realize all of the comments are that those are not balance suggestions and/or are terrible ideas right?
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

  10. Default

    brice i'm sorry man, but this is by far the stupidest balancing sheet i've ever seen in my entire fucking life...

    It's soooooo fucking stupid that i'm not even gonna bother pointing out the stupid parts, because i would literally not know where to start, and i KNOW that i might break a new wall-of-text goddamn world record in discussing the wrongness of your suggestions...

    What does it matter to you anyway? you just play undead most of the time, and by removing the leech trail (like it was before) u're basically just making it the better class of the starting ones, because you can keep doing that bs leech thing that u and pie do without ppl being able to trace it back to your location...

    I'm gonna walk out of this, the urge to shred through your original post is overwhelming.
    Started from bottom. Now we here. <IBIS>

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Trying to hack in IBIS is like trying to kill someone in a police station, not the best idea...

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