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Thread: Server Test Tonight 9:00 pm Mountain Standard Time for me.

  1. Default Server Test Tonight 9:00 pm Mountain Standard Time for me.

    Hi there Im new to this forum but been playing IBIS all the time and I would consider myself a regular. I play the zombie MOD server by IBIS. Name is Azura Sky( Carpe Diem) My name is in Latin in case no one understands. But my issue was that there was a server test going on I guess to get new MOD maps to get on the map rotation and while the Admins were doing their jobs yes, they were rude and using crude language because of their inept ability to be nice and explain kindly what's going on in their own words. I understand that some Admins can be crude, for example Administrator Amdin pls, was being a baby and drowning me out by purely talking loudly in his mic headset. S7EAMET, Another Administrator, kept abusing his Administrative privelages. I play to have fun and enjoy my time, and do not appreciate being belittled in game by being talked down to loudly over the mic, or being slapped around or frozen mid game or being cursed at being called a motherfucker etc... Hope their admin privelages can be revoked and if this thread is taken down I will just email directly. Please do something about admin abuse. I appreciate any feedback or suggestions and do not loudly talk over people like some immature admins I listed.

  2. Default

    wrong section, wrong format. this post will more than likely be ignored. steamer is clan, not just an admin. you will realize the difference soon enough.

    read this:

    in the format mentioned in the link above, post here:

    make sure you post the demo, links to the ftp to acquire said demo can be found here:

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by blade7 View Post
    Hi there Im new to this forum but been playing IBIS all the time and I would consider myself a regular. I play the zombie MOD server by IBIS. Name is Azura Sky( Carpe Diem) My name is in Latin in case no one understands. But my issue was that there was a server test going on I guess to get new MOD maps to get on the map rotation and while the Admins were doing their jobs yes, they were rude and using crude language because of their inept ability to be nice and explain kindly what's going on in their own words. I understand that some Admins can be crude, for example Administrator Amdin pls, was being a baby and drowning me out by purely talking loudly in his mic headset. S7EAMET, Another Administrator, kept abusing his Administrative privelages. I play to have fun and enjoy my time, and do not appreciate being belittled in game by being talked down to loudly over the mic, or being slapped around or frozen mid game or being cursed at being called a motherfucker etc... Hope their admin privelages can be revoked and if this thread is taken down I will just email directly. Please do something about admin abuse. I appreciate any feedback or suggestions and do not loudly talk over people like some immature admins I listed.
    First of all, we we're doing a server test. We said it constantly in chat and with mics. We had to get past level 1 in skyrim to test the class system which is why zombies were frozen for the first round and only the first round. You were also pretty rude too. You mentioned something about an abuse thread last night and when I asked you about it you said something along the lines of, "I wasn't talking to you therefore I don't have to answer you". Admin pls is not an admin. He is a regular.

    Secondly, who would you email directly if this thread was deleted?

    Follow Scribbles advice if you still want to make an abuse thread.

  4. Default

    Hi i was only that way because of how I was treated by an administrator I don't know which one exactly. I just lost all faith in ibis admins. Who ever was admin were only freezing certain people so I feel like that's abuse of privelages.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Sorry if I was rude to you man I was just irritated. Also if I am speaking directly to someone else technically you trying to interrupt in the conversation is considered rude. Definitely considered rude at my workplace.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Sorry if I was rude to you man I was just irritated. Also if I am speaking directly to someone else technically you trying to interrupt in the conversation is considered rude. Definitely considered rude at my workplace.

  5. Default

    STEAMER was freezing the zombies per my request. We needed to get past level 1 on skyrim so players could get points. We we're trying to determine the errors to see exactly what the problem was for this map to help ZERO narrow down the possible plugin or cfg that was making all the ZE maps not work properly.

    Also if I am speaking directly to someone else technically you trying to interrupt in the conversation is considered rude. Definitely considered rude at my workplace.
    We'll it was nice talking to you, I guess. If you want to make an abuse thread, make one but don't sit here and complain that you got frozen for one round during a server test conducted by two clan members.


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