Quote Originally Posted by CYBER View Post
colored text TAGS have been suggested by Anex a long time ago. it's not posted here, but it was suggested in clan section as he screenshot the request so we can follow that format in plugin submission.

Zero will have a color. (Red?)
[OWNER] ZERO <ibis>: tester.

Clan will have a color. (Light blue i think?)
[CLAN] Maynard <ibis> : you all suck

Ula will have a color. (Yellow if i remember right?)
[ULA] Phil ibis.a: I love spongebob pinatas!

regular admin will have the standard green you see today.
[Admin]: I have no idea what i'm doing.

Regulars, fuck no, u want that shit to be annoying as fuck?
completely with you on that, i hate the regulars having different chat colors.

but im with it to give donators a chance to donate for skins