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Thread: SPYFALL Game #002. LOCATION WAS AT <updated at end of game>2


    This is the thread I will be directing all of you to confirm in.
    At the end of each day, I will combine all the Q@ questions and A@ answers in one big list and put them in this post for easy retrieval later on. *You're welcome!*

    Players, in alphabetical order, are:
    Assassin, Blackmage, Pass, Rosie, Scribble, Starsmine, Trigger and What.

    ONLY the players mentioned above and myself are allowed to post on this thread!

    DAY 1 begins when the majority (currently 5/8) confirms.

    For this game and future games, I WILL TREAT THE MAJORITY AS A 51% if there's an even number of players (for example, requiring 5 votes, if there's 8 people).
    But since this game is a 1-shot-win-all kind of game, obviously the number of players won't change throughout.

    CHECK THE SIGN UP THREAD FOR THE LIST OF RULES posted at the start of the youtube links i posted, as well as to see a sample of how our forum wording will be treated.

    If you have any questions regarding on HOW TO PLAY, let me know, but I retain the option of denying to answer. Denying to answer doesn't give neither a YES nor a NO to your answer, it simply means that I do not feel that answering this question will help the game status, for the better nor the worse.

    Q@BM What kind of shoes does your role wear normally?
    A@Rosie Whatever shoes I please.
    Q@Rosie - What tool does your job typically use?
    A@ Pass usually I am the tool
    q@what what type of building do you work in?
    A@Assassin I no longer work in any
    Q@Stars What noises do you associate most with your location?
    A@Blackmage Either blank artillery fire or running cadences
    Q@assassin - what's your favorite hobby?
    a@ trigger building or repairing stuff
    Q@Blackmage What do you wear on Casual Friday?
    A@Scribble: I don't get a casual Friday
    Q@Blackmage: What sort of tools do you use for your work?
    A@Stars: My computer is my main tool.
    Q@BM What do you think of the food here?
    A@What I have had better
    Last edited by CYBER; 10-19-2015 at 04:37 PM. Reason: forgot to mention where the rules are. and added section for actions done.
    Started from bottom. Now we here. <IBIS>

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Trying to hack in IBIS is like trying to kill someone in a police station, not the best idea...

  2. Default

    I suppose I confirm then

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  3. Default

    Confirmed. Role deleted as requested.
    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO
    Your aim will be somewhat impacted although testing showed this to have minimal impact on ability to kill stuff b/c you all suck at aiming anyways.

  4. Default


  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Logically I reserve the right to step in at any time and make a final judgement. Any judgement made by me can only be reversed by me.

  6. Default


  7. Default

    I hit Brett right in the feels.

  8. Default


    As the morning sun rises, you find yourselves in a group of people that you do not recognize.

    "What's going on, who are you? Where are we? Is that a ..."

    - QUIET! DON'T SAY ANOTHER WORD! Bits and pieces are coming back to me, and I remember that we have a traitor among us!

    "Are you saying there's a spy here? WHO?"

    - I don't know.... I seem to not be able to recall anything about any of you... All I know is my own name and what I do... But everything else seems fuzzy.

    ** Perhaps we should discuss some details, perhaps everything will come back to us?**

    - I'm sorry but I do not trust any of you, unfortunately. For all I know you could be the spy trying to phish for information!

    "We need to go about this intelligently then! Since the spy must be new around here, and most likely unfamiliar with our roles and this location, how about we ask each other questions, and the targeted person MUST reply to the question while both providing information to clear him, yet being vague enough for the spy to not pick up on where we're at..."

    - That sounds like a plan. I do remember that something urgent was about to happen, so we should probably RUSH with our line of questioning. So if someone holds back on answering or stalls for too long, we should probably... let's just say... get rid of them...

    **Let's do this then**

    And just like that, the group of people (let's call them Townies, for the sake of narration) started a very dangerous game of 20 questions, but do they have time for 20 questions? Can they afford to wait for 20 questions, they do not know... All they know is that someone's faking that they belong at this location, and that this spy will do anything to find out where they're at, and cause unimaginable chaos...

    Random discussion is allowed now.
    The game ends when EVERY single one of you directs a question at another player with the format described in the rules.
    Multiple people can ask the same suspect, but each of you only has ONE question they can enforce at their target... Play wisely.
    When every targeted question is asked and answered, the day will end, after which the spy has 24 hours MAX to either PM ME, or post their guess in the thread in the format required.

    PS: same rules as mafia apply, do not edit your posts, and etc .... you know your shit by now.

    DAY 1, BEGINS.
    Started from bottom. Now we here. <IBIS>

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Trying to hack in IBIS is like trying to kill someone in a police station, not the best idea...

  9. Default

    I will start this shit off.

    Q@BM What kind of shoes does your role wear normally?
    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Logically I reserve the right to step in at any time and make a final judgement. Any judgement made by me can only be reversed by me.

  10. Default

    What: my life skills use meat

    “Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed. ” -Mark Twain

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