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Thread: Abuse

  1. Default Abuse

    You're INGAME name:The Fox ibis.a
    admin ingame name: Strongfield -ibis.a-
    Map: ze_mountain_escape_v5_zf
    Date & Time: 11/11 around 5:00 pm

    How did he/she abuse (See TOS): He slayed trixie for no reason
    zero would have to check logs as admin commands don't show up in demo's
    Last edited by The Fox; 11-11-2015 at 06:07 PM.

  2. Default

    O.O slaying a player during a map for no reason isn't abuse?

    - - - Updated - - -

    im a fail forgot to put his name

  3. #3


    dude the Session was over and the map was switching who cares about 2secs being dead

    - - - Updated - - -

    I mean at the time I wasnt admim I got slayed too sometimes in the last 5secs.Some other admins are slaping slaying and burning players too and no one other complained about except you. Do you think trixie loves you now for this?
    If clan punish me for that, ok . I have no proplem with it

  4. Default

    Jesus man you have a problem, just because a girl plays on a server, and puts emoticons in chat, doesn't mean they are "manipulating the guys on the server to do what they want" or that they are "pretending they like you so they do your bidding" I took a complaint, posted about it, what happens happens. But I understand if you feel dejected thinking a girl liked you over the internet, it happens to people allllll the time, and I personally find it hilarious. It greatly amuses me.

  5. Default

    So was the round over when the slay occurred?

  6. Default

    If you are not involved in this thread... Do not post in it.

    Post a demo of the slay.

  7. #7


    You dont need a demo Phil.
    I slayed her at the last 5seconds before the map changes.

    Fox it looks like you would do everything for trixie. My point is that a girl shouldnt get any power about the decisions from an admin. I could write more about this but this thread is not about trixie. So if you want to talk more then do it per pm.

    So, I slayed trixie for no reason in the last 5 seconds of the map session before the map switched.
    I can only say that other admins did the same too and no player complained serious about it or I can say who cares about the last 5seconds of the game. And it was only this time
    On the other side, I mustn't free slay as standard admin anytime.
    I could say sorry but this would be a lie.

  8. Default

    we are not fond of only going by peoples word, post the demo. so ULA and clan can see it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  9. Default

    IF all variables are known, then Clearly the admin's intentions behind the slay were for comedic affect.
    He did use admin to slay someone, and one could argue for it being abuse, and i'd agree with this if it wasn't the very last 5 seconds of the round and done as a joke. For example, I'd be more scrutinizing if this was done in the middle of a round, at some clutch moment.
    But it seems like it was at the end of the map since FOX did not correct strongfield wrong about the timing, at 2 different occasions.. sigh.

    I am not aware much of the relationship between the admin and the slayed player trixie:

    • If they are friends, then it should stay between them as the joke it is, and so fox didn't have to go about posting an abuse case in her regards. Let each player handle their own shit man.
    • If the admin and trixie are NOT best friends, but regular acquaintances on the server, then it can be seen as a joke slay that shouldn't be taken so seriously since it was the end of the map, post round, so its effects are useless, as far as i know, except for the dramatic explosion effect. But that being said, the admin should learn from this event and not pull jokes on that player again, now that they know that they can't take it well.
    • And finally, if the admin and trixie HATE eachother to the point where this can be seen as harassment from the admin onto the player, then i'll handle this case differently.

    So for now, I'm chalking this case of as a WARNING sent to the admin to pay attention who they joke around with since not everyone takes it kindheartedly and to avoid joking around this victim if it bothers THIS victim.

    PS: If someone has proof that the admin and the player are sworn enemies and that this slay had ulterior motives, then bring it up to me via private pm and i'll reopen this.


    Admin warned of transgression, and is notified to use his admin more wisely when they are unsure if their "comedy victim" can take a joke or not.

    Started from bottom. Now we here. <IBIS>

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Trying to hack in IBIS is like trying to kill someone in a police station, not the best idea...

  10. Default

    FYI, I was not aware of the secret fact that Strongfield MIGHT have it out for trixie for some past stupid romantical nonsense bullcrap (another IBIS love story, who would have thought).
    Now whether this is true of false, it doesn't matter anymore as Strongfield's made aware even more strictly to maintain professionalism and avoid conflict cases such as this especially regarding Trixie, for future reference.
    Thank you those who PM'd me about them, that is exactly why i mentioned those 3 case senarios based on the relationship.

    Last edited by CYBER; 11-12-2015 at 02:36 PM. Reason: HP lovecrap.
    Started from bottom. Now we here. <IBIS>

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Trying to hack in IBIS is like trying to kill someone in a police station, not the best idea...

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