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Thread: supernukeman possible aim toggling?

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    Quote Originally Posted by brett friggin favre View Post
    You can't tell from looking for his cursor to be jittery, and not one of those shots couldn't be pulled off legitimately, however to do that kind of thing on a consistent basis is EXTREMELY unlikely. One thing that I also don't like from the first demo is not only how he knew Shadowcat would be coming around a corner, but also that he would be crouched. Yes he did it consistently, but a player who would have to be good enough to get those kills would default their crosshair to standing head height 99% of the time. It takes one hell of a shot for me to call bs, and even though it could be legit, but I was calling bs frequently in the first demo. I couldn't watch the 2nd because I don't have the map, and I was too impatient for the 3rd, but the 1st has me veeeeery suspicious.
    THANks brett
    the first one is my real demo...
    the other 2 didnt show anything perticular bcos i think he knew i was there... so i just posted them in case someoene saw smthn i missed.... but did u see that his headshots streak went downhill ever since mid game? i mean he got like 27 HS in a row and when he knew i was there, he couldnt get the SAME HS scenarios that he had before?... weird...
    Started from bottom. Now we here. <IBIS>

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Trying to hack in IBIS is like trying to kill someone in a police station, not the best idea...

  2. Default

    Yeah and I can get on fire and get some streaks but I was literally saying out loud "that's bs" and it takes a hell of a shot for me to do that, and it was happening quite a few times. Very clever hacks if thats that what they are and I'd say im maybe 90-95% sure thats what it is.

  3. #3


    I know accounts can be traded but its worth noting one of the big reasons I can't call this guy out yet is... he is a 6 dig. He's been playing a while (or bought the acct)

    But yeah I will not disagree, I watch this guy like a hawk when he's around.

  4. Default

    Also could've inherited the account. I'd have a 6 dig (as it is, i have a 7 dig) if my brother hadn't decided to hack in 1.6 a few times, wasted like 3 accounts. Whatever, he made em all :P anywho I've been playing cs since I was 9, I'm now 18, and I have a hell of a hard time believing he's legit. I've been wrong in the past, but I've also been right.
    Last edited by brett friggin favre; 12-13-2010 at 11:36 PM.

  5. Default

    Hello all... i just heard back from Dice that i was creating some drama, and i totally didn't realize that that was what i was doing. I just wanted to clarify a few things with people so that maybe you understand where i'm coming from.

    One of the biggest things i got from the complaint thread was that i'm inconsistent. i can totally agree with that... one of my biggest frustrations about my play. The moment i get nervous, or something bugs me slightly and i'll be beside myself. Hell guys, it gets to the point to where if i'm wearing a long sleeve shirt, and i think the sleeve is dragging... well that shit has just got to go. But yeah, i gave dice a few other reasons that i wanted to share as well...

    1.) It's been a long time since i played CS, or any FPS for that matter. And when i did, i was very much into 1.6, not source. I've tried it on and off over the years, but it just never clicked with me. This time i just decided to focus a little more, actually spend time setting up all my settings/binds/noforcemouseaccel/etc, and stick with it. I think i found this a few weeks after i started this time around and i kinda liked it. the ping was good, the reg was good, the people seemed friendly, the admins weren't dicks, there wasn't obnoxious sound files every time someone did... anything, the map choice was decent (except for fcking nipperhouse), and they had stats. Since i'm trying to play semi-intently this time around, i figured i'd make it interesting on myself. Which leads me on to...

    2.) I'm trying to inflate my HS count. Now, i wasn't being deliberate about it until the first couple times i was playing here (i actually didn't realize the stats mod was in right away) but once i did, i wanted to see how high i could get that HS without seriously affecting my KDR, accuracy, etc. But because of this, i will legitimately go out of my way to not get the kill if its not going to be a HS. Now im not saying i randomly throw situations away against my favor, but what i am saying is that when im playing, im pretty much shooting only at the face. if i kill you and it wasn't a headshot, well im not happy about it, and it wasn't what i meant to do. In fact, once i start the lose my rhythm, i'll leave the server and come back later. In all honesty, i dont think i left the server once due to someone (except for showtime, because i think his camping/objective rules on a 2 minute map are a little absurd. P.S. i wasn't being disrespectful, i just tend to fight for what i believe in.)

    Side story... back in 1.6 my best friend was in a CAL-M clan, although his skill was more cal-i, and i used to talk all sorts of shit, not knowing he was playing easy on me. Well, one day i guess he was tired of hearing me run my mouth, and he made me do an aim map with him... an hour later my score was 8-64 (and he switched to USP only at around 45 kills.) After that, we trained alot... i wanted to get legitimately good, and one of the things we did was set up AIM maps that only registered HS's. He was always telling me that i aimed too low, and he was right. The point is, after extensive training only shooting for the face... it just comes second nature.

    3.) I actually AM inconsistent, i know i am, and its frustrating... and it's mainly just cause i haven't played in forever. But I realize that the bad spurts will go away after awhile and things will even out in the end.

    4.) I'm an alcoholic : ) Maybe not quite... but i can guarantee ive been buzzed/drunk when im on here. And although that may make people think i should just have times when i play like shit... well 40% headshot IS shit when your trying for 70%+

    With all that being said, I do really enjoy playing here, and its frustrating that my persona be classified as a cheater, but at the same time i can definitely see how it would be frustrating for some people. There are a lot of good people that hop on this server though too which is why i stick around because i know there is a steady amount of talent that flows in and out of here, but again, if this ban does stick, i understand that i may just need to find another place to further my progression.

    In terms of the demo's, i was kinda disappointed with the choice I remember the first 2 vividly, something like 4-5AM here after i had just woken up, and yeah, i was just taking my time with the shots. I mean, there were only 2 people i was playing against, so i knew i only had to pay attention to 2 sets of steps. The one where shadowcat was crouching well... had this demo showed the 5-8 rounds before that shot, it woulda showed someone running into that hall at full speed. That particular round i heard footsteps from when he was out side and they stopped, i guess i just assumed he was crouching cause i thought he was going to try to trick me. Demo #2 was the same night i believe (the next map), because i dont think that it depicts a very good sample. with the third one, i watched the first couple rounds, and i do remember people complaining about shooting the guy in the vent when i couldn't hear him... but if you watch the replay again, you can see that his feet are showing thru the vent (a game glitch... just like unidirectional shadows in the game) In any case... i think dedicated spectating/demos over a couple of maps would create a more accurate depiction.

    Well, that's my story... I apologize for TLDR, but i felt i should be thorough because as i said before, i do enjoy the community, and although I've never been a huge talker in CS families, it doesn't mean i dont appreciate the environment. So let me know either way so i can pack my bags, otherwise thanks for listening and understanding. If anyone lives in the central PA area and wants to inspect my comp, you can, and then we can go get a round down at a bar and play some pool. : P Thanks again!


    PS. to whoever said i probably wouldn't post... u really dont know me : )

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperNukeMan View Post
    Hello all... i just heard back from Dice that i was creating some drama, and i totally didn't realize that that was what i was doing. I just wanted to clarify a few things with people so that maybe you understand where i'm coming from.

    One of the biggest things i got from the complaint thread was that i'm inconsistent. i can totally agree with that... one of my biggest frustrations about my play. The moment i get nervous, or something bugs me slightly and i'll be beside myself. Hell guys, it gets to the point to where if i'm wearing a long sleeve shirt, and i think the sleeve is dragging... well that shit has just got to go. But yeah, i gave dice a few other reasons that i wanted to share as well...

    1.) It's been a long time since i played CS, or any FPS for that matter. And when i did, i was very much into 1.6, not source. I've tried it on and off over the years, but it just never clicked with me. This time i just decided to focus a little more, actually spend time setting up all my settings/binds/noforcemouseaccel/etc, and stick with it. I think i found this a few weeks after i started this time around and i kinda liked it. the ping was good, the reg was good, the people seemed friendly, the admins weren't dicks, there wasn't obnoxious sound files every time someone did... anything, the map choice was decent (except for fcking nipperhouse), and they had stats. Since i'm trying to play semi-intently this time around, i figured i'd make it interesting on myself. Which leads me on to...

    2.) I'm trying to inflate my HS count. Now, i wasn't being deliberate about it until the first couple times i was playing here (i actually didn't realize the stats mod was in right away) but once i did, i wanted to see how high i could get that HS without seriously affecting my KDR, accuracy, etc. But because of this, i will legitimately go out of my way to not get the kill if its not going to be a HS. Now im not saying i randomly throw situations away against my favor, but what i am saying is that when im playing, im pretty much shooting only at the face. if i kill you and it wasn't a headshot, well im not happy about it, and it wasn't what i meant to do. In fact, once i start the lose my rhythm, i'll leave the server and come back later. In all honesty, i dont think i left the server once due to someone (except for showtime, because i think his camping/objective rules on a 2 minute map are a little absurd. P.S. i wasn't being disrespectful, i just tend to fight for what i believe in.)

    Side story... back in 1.6 my best friend was in a CAL-M clan, although his skill was more cal-i, and i used to talk all sorts of shit, not knowing he was playing easy on me. Well, one day i guess he was tired of hearing me run my mouth, and he made me do an aim map with him... an hour later my score was 8-64 (and he switched to USP only at around 45 kills.) After that, we trained alot... i wanted to get legitimately good, and one of the things we did was set up AIM maps that only registered HS's. He was always telling me that i aimed too low, and he was right. The point is, after extensive training only shooting for the face... it just comes second nature.

    3.) I actually AM inconsistent, i know i am, and its frustrating... and it's mainly just cause i haven't played in forever. But I realize that the bad spurts will go away after awhile and things will even out in the end.

    4.) I'm an alcoholic : ) Maybe not quite... but i can guarantee ive been buzzed/drunk when im on here. And although that may make people think i should just have times when i play like shit... well 40% headshot IS shit when your trying for 70%+

    With all that being said, I do really enjoy playing here, and its frustrating that my persona be classified as a cheater, but at the same time i can definitely see how it would be frustrating for some people. There are a lot of good people that hop on this server though too which is why i stick around because i know there is a steady amount of talent that flows in and out of here, but again, if this ban does stick, i understand that i may just need to find another place to further my progression.

    In terms of the demo's, i was kinda disappointed with the choice I remember the first 2 vividly, something like 4-5AM here after i had just woken up, and yeah, i was just taking my time with the shots. I mean, there were only 2 people i was playing against, so i knew i only had to pay attention to 2 sets of steps. The one where shadowcat was crouching well... had this demo showed the 5-8 rounds before that shot, it woulda showed someone running into that hall at full speed. That particular round i heard footsteps from when he was out side and they stopped, i guess i just assumed he was crouching cause i thought he was going to try to trick me. Demo #2 was the same night i believe (the next map), because i dont think that it depicts a very good sample. with the third one, i watched the first couple rounds, and i do remember people complaining about shooting the guy in the vent when i couldn't hear him... but if you watch the replay again, you can see that his feet are showing thru the vent (a game glitch... just like unidirectional shadows in the game) In any case... i think dedicated spectating/demos over a couple of maps would create a more accurate depiction.

    Well, that's my story... I apologize for TLDR, but i felt i should be thorough because as i said before, i do enjoy the community, and although I've never been a huge talker in CS families, it doesn't mean i dont appreciate the environment. So let me know either way so i can pack my bags, otherwise thanks for listening and understanding. If anyone lives in the central PA area and wants to inspect my comp, you can, and then we can go get a round down at a bar and play some pool. : P Thanks again!


    PS. to whoever said i probably wouldn't post... u really dont know me : )

    clearly a hacker would make a tldr so ppl will not read it.
    Quote Originally Posted by EVL_Ripper View Post

    Oh and let your mom know I did receive the invitation she sent for your party at Chuck E Cheese tomorrow.

  7. Default

    *sad face*

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by CYBER View Post
    THANks brett
    the first one is my real demo...
    the other 2 didnt show anything perticular bcos i think he knew i was there... so i just posted them in case someoene saw smthn i missed.... but did u see that his headshots streak went downhill ever since mid game? i mean he got like 27 HS in a row and when he knew i was there, he couldnt get the SAME HS scenarios that he had before?... weird...
    he was hacking

    fyi (being honest with you) be more confident with your bans .. more he was hacking and less justification. we all know what we are looking for and if someone dosnt and posts then tell them what they should be looking at.

    otherwise.. like james told me, its easier to unban someone for being wrongly accused then to try and catch them later.

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by DJ_MikeyRevile View Post
    he was hacking

    fyi (being honest with you) be more confident with your bans .. more he was hacking and less justification. we all know what we are looking for and if someone dosnt and posts then tell them what they should be looking at.

    otherwise.. like james told me, its easier to unban someone for being wrongly accused then to try and catch them later.
    yeah well im trying to be as sure as possible when posting ban threads... most ibis community have the tendency to call abuse before even posting an unban thread lol...
    specially since the guy is a reg (i see him there everytime i go pub)
    Started from bottom. Now we here. <IBIS>

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Trying to hack in IBIS is like trying to kill someone in a police station, not the best idea...

  10. Default

    He was in today, and a reg (Willster) had me come in because he was "suspicious of some guy in the pub." Turns out it was supernuke and as soon as I joined in, of course, his KDR went way downhill. When I noticed this I left, and came back under a different name and began a second demo - but he disconnected.

    I honestly don't feel completely comfortable saying this, but I think mikey is right and we should go ahead and issue a ban, and let him appeal. My reason for this is simple - everyone who I know has played a LONG TIME and is good at cs:s has the same opinion of this guy - he is suspiciously inconsistant.

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