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Thread: Link 08/25/11

  1. Default Link 08/25/11



    How long have you played on IBIS Servers
    Since June 2010 (14 months)

    How long have you had admin for
    Since November 2010 (9 months)

    Link to your ban history

    Link to all submitted ban threads you have made

    Link to all bans and threads where a ban by you was overturned

    Link to any abuse threads about you

    Why did you order admin
    I ordered admin in the IBIS Gaming community because I, personally, didn't like the way a few admins ran things when I first started playing. That is the truth. I thought I could do better, and I wanted to contribute to the servers. It has been nine months, going on ten as an admin so far, and I believe that the quality of play goes up when I get to be present in one of the servers. That feeling validates my personal decision to purchase admin consistently so far. The feeling of camaraderie between members of IBIS Gaming is something that I desire in my life, and admin has only increased it. I do not regret the purchases I have made, nor the many months of my money that goes to this Community.

    Why do you want to be an upper level admin
    I have always believed that it is the first responsibility of any admin to make the server a more stable place for players. The rules are there for a reason, and not even admins are above them. I have, at times since becoming admin, been witness to admins that bought it so that they couldn't be punished. For various reasons, primarily the lack of solid evidence, these things went unchecked, particularly the exploitation of the gungame server handicap. As a standard admin, I have no authority or means to enforce the rules on those who should be model examples of them, and sometimes are not. I desire to be an upper level admin because I don't want any admin to think they've above the rules that the Clan has set for this community. There are some that do, and a precious few who realize the truth about their position as admin: people look to them and won't follow a rule an admin doesn't follow personally. I desire to contribute in a greater fashion than I have been able to so far in my time here. I have, at times, reviewed demos just to see for myself the proof behind an abuse or a permaban. I find myself wishing that I could add my vote to others in the ban request forum. Players with admin should stand for something greater than themselves. They represent this community, and I believe that I have done so appropriately in my time as a standard admin, and I wish to continue to do so as an Upper level admin, if you guys are willing. I am not perfect, but I am working on it. A new aspect of my role here that has emerged recently, is helping to tutor new admins in their commands and how they should fairly administrate. I have found that I enjoy doing that. The last thing the community needs are admins that don't know how to use their commands, or how to best enforce the rules in order to make the servers more enjoyable. I hope to continue that as an Upper level it something I took upon myself to do, for the benefit of newer admins and this community. I am grateful for the Clan members that take the time to review demos and vote on permabans. As an Upper level admin I want to assist in reviewing the proof of claims or bans. I have much to learn, but I genuinely believe that I can contribute in a greater capacity than my current position as a standard admin allows. Thanks for your consideration.
    Last edited by Link; 09-11-2011 at 10:16 AM.

  2. Default

    Admin logs attached:

  3. Default

    +2 Gl man!

  4. Default

    Definitely a thumbs up from me. Best of luck.

  5. Default

    he is a very good admin let him pass

  6. #6


    to make it three horrible admins/ex-admins in a row giving him support, here you go. link is awesome and deserves upper level admin.

  7. Default

    ...thanks guys. lmao

  8. Default

    Original post updated to reflect a new ban thread I made.

  9. Default

    +11 link's awesome

  10. Default


    Maynard - The WCS Guy

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