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Thread: Admin powers should not be used to gain points(unfair for people who care about rank)

  1. Default Admin powers should not be used to gain points(unfair for people who care about rank)

    1st post in a long time. Im not complaining cause really like I said before I dont care about rank or zombiemod in general anymore. I just want to see what people have to say about how TheFallen uses his admin powers to gain rank, change maps without mapvotes, and beacon himself probably everyround.This is obviously one of many post about him. Like seriously I was just playing on Lila panic sethens with about 6 or 7 people and all of a sudden the map changes without any mapvote. So im sitting there thinking wtf? and as the nextmap is loading Im thinking that obviously an admin just came in and changed it and then I figured it could be only one person TheFallen927. Surprisingly he didnt change it to little_town I know BIG SHOCK! He changed it to desert_fortress which is just as bad when it comes to being a zombie. So im only guessing but im probably right the 1st round he goes into the room with the teleporter and vending machine and beacons himself to attract zombies. The first round he didnt get any kills by beaconing himself infact I got a kill the 1st round without a beacon lol but I left cause got sick of playing but I know he does this alot. Im not hating on him or anything just wanted to see what the community thinks. Its funny cause he even gives me beacons when I dont even ask for them, can you say admin abuse lol jj. For those of you who think Im mad cause im not #1 anymore all I have to say is I let anyone have #1 when I went on vacation for 6 weeks from jan thru feb I was gone came back and realized how much time I've wasted playing this game. If I wanted #1 back I could get it so easily. Its funny cause he's 4000 points ahead of me yet hes played 1000 more hours which is alot. No matter how much he plays and uses his admin powers to gain more points his stats will never be as good as mine. My KDR owns his 5.48 to 2.45 lol. He has 2000 more kills them me yet hes died 4000 times more then I have . I have 1000 more headshots then he has. My headshot % owns his 24% to 17% and Ive already mentioned he's played 1000 more hours playing time TheFallen 1843 hours compared to my 898 hours playing time(and I thought I was wasting alot of time lol). I could not imagine wasting another 1000 playing zombiemod but if our playing time were the same I'd be #1 and nobody would even be close to catching me. Anyways think about it guys why is he continuing to use his admin powers to gain more points. I'm the only one even close to him and like I said before I dont care about rank. So for those of you who play on this server for rank they should care cause they'll never get to the top. Thoughts anyone?

  2. Default

    holy frig...
    and i thought "I" wrote walls of text... at least use a damn "enter" every now and then...

    1- without proof, this thread is litterally going no where, and is probably gonna be flamed . so get a demo and proof of anything you claim.
    2- the admin who was the longest on the server has the right to change the map ANY time they want, without a vote without NOTHING. They can change the map whenever they feel like it, to wtvr they feel like it, and not give a fuck about what a regular has to say.

    The only concern about this is to not spam map changes, i.e more than 2-3 map changes in less than 5 minutes... which is not the case judging on what you said. if he was senior, it is not abuse to change the map, in fact, he probably got tired of lila being overly played in ZM and thought he could change the scenery...

    3-what does ur goddamn kdr and his kdr and stats have ANYTHING to do with an abuse thread?... if you are claiming that he is abusing you or the server bcos of that, then you rly are tripping.
    Now, im not sure why fallen would be beaconing himself, but i personally have never come across a scenario where an admin is called an abuser for using a command on HIMSELF (other than slapping to save their own ass) without spamming or gaining an advantage...

    by beaconing himself, all he is doing is making it obvious for zombies where he is and speed up the unbelievably boring process in zmod... if anything , he could be putting himself in danger rather than picking off zombies 1 by 1... he ;s putting himself in line of fire...
    HOWEVER, he should probably refrain from beaconing himself in game if it is frown upon by regulars...

    nway... without a proof of an abuse that deliberately defies the set of rules defined in the RULES section in this Forums, then your post is going no where, and will be looked at exactly the way u see it : as a "you mad brah?" thread.

    also... seriously? how lame are u guys to fucking start shit over crappy zmod for a beacon? lol... if it upsets players ,you should inform fallen of that and he should inquire whether it is legal or not, at his own expense... before making a rage thread lol
    and more "seriously?" if you are soooo high ranked in this server... wouldnt u know by now how admin process works??? regarding map changes?... derp.
    Started from bottom. Now we here. <IBIS>

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Trying to hack in IBIS is like trying to kill someone in a police station, not the best idea...

  3. Default

    You do know im one of the most afk players in zm right?
    about half my hours are spent it spectate while i have other things to do.
    Also whats wrong with changing the map to get people to join?
    Still trying to brag are we like someone cares about your stats other than yourself?
    Last edited by TheFallen927; 04-28-2012 at 07:18 AM.

  4. Default

    only thing i agree on is that he changes map too quickly because I was having fun on the former map. At least make a vote!

  5. Default

    lol yeah but you know what I'm saying is mostly true. Seriously I don't care about this game anymore and I know you've notice I don't play as often as I used to. Yes I agree you changed it to desert_fortress and more people came. Still trying to brag? lol I dont need to brag the regulars who know me on this server know im good. And really? lol when I was #1 I rarely typed place and showed people my rank. I dont care about my stats lol its a zombiemod server with escape maps. You obviously dont care about yours either cause they suck lol. :P

  6. Default

    Lol you're the one who never plays escape maps I have played the majority of them for a decent amount of time so stop acting like you're the best at zm when you are obviously not. You still act like having good stats on our worst server is some achievement lol.
    If you were 2nd on some other server i might care but its zm so i don't.

  7. Default

    some one is mad that he got killed by me yesterday boom boom headshot p90 bye bye venomous rage quit

  8. Default

    this thread is fail.... and closed.

    make an abuse thread if you have an issue. this is just QQ with a side of flame.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

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