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Thread: Rejoining - Clarification Needed

  1. Default Rejoining - Clarification Needed

    This morning, I'm playing gungame and I get a phone call that I think is going to take a few minutes, so I disconnected from the game. The phone call took about 5 minutes or so, I'm not really sure.

    After that, I joined back up to the game and was warned for rejoining by jerm.

    My question is, do I have to wait for the next map? He suggested I let the AFK manager kick me instead and come back... but I've done that before and been accused of rejoining. I play during the day sporadically as I have free time to burn (either downtime, or on a long drawn out, conference call, or etc) but as the nature of my job, I could be interrupted and have to disconnect at a moments notice. I need to know, at that point, when can I come back and play? I could care-less about gaining levels and what-not, because I rarely win regardless, I just enjoy playing.

    Thanks for the responses in advance!

    "Rule XII.3 added: No player shall reconnect or leave the server and come back to play again in the same round." round, meaning until map change?
    Last edited by Grits; 07-10-2012 at 09:10 AM.

  2. Default

    1- why cant u answer the phone WHILE playing? better to play shitty and kill random ppl than to disconnect, rejoin and get accused of rejoining.
    2- No, you dont have to sit out the entire map (it wouldnt hurt...but you can play if you want to lol) ...dont worry, jerm is just doing his job warning you not to try to pull that shit intentionally. We have logs, if this happened once or smthn, we get it , i've been afk a few times talking to people on steam or phone and get kicked and rejoin instantly.
    Just don't make it a habit. And yes, we CAN tell if you are doing it intentionally or not, sourceTV watches all servers 24/7, and I watch sourceTV like a lifeless hawk... you do the math on this one.
    3- respect the admin for giving u the heads up on shit like that, would YOU want to play ur ass off to get off a shitty gun and then see a fucker rejoin with double ur score? hardly. thats why we question everyone, and we are very skeptical about rejoiners, so dont take it personally.)
    Started from bottom. Now we here. <IBIS>

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Trying to hack in IBIS is like trying to kill someone in a police station, not the best idea...

  3. Default

    1.) Its a work call, requires the computer usually, to resolve whatever issue was called about, and occasionally, someone is in the office, requiring a close of the game completely. For me, as a NetAdmin playing on the occasional downtime at work, this will happen quite regularly... so if the server is not conducive to that, I guess I can find somewhere else to play during the day.
    2.) Thanks
    3.) Thanks again

    I like the server and don't want to get banned for any reason and this rule just seemed a bit, fuzzy. Thanks again for the reply

  4. Default

    If you're leaving and a few minutes passes and you come back..fine. I don't constitute that as rejoining to gain an advantage. BUT, if you were to continue doing this, than it may become an issue of your reasoning being questioned. Anyone can say they get work calls if it helps them to leave and rejoin constantly.

    Most admins are willing to listen if you say you had to take a work call..just don't do it a lot, or the admins may not buy it.

    If you were a beautiful sound in the echos all around, I'd be your harmony.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Grits View Post
    1.) Its a work call, requires the computer usually, to resolve whatever issue was called about, and occasionally, someone is in the office, requiring a close of the game completely. For me, as a NetAdmin playing on the occasional downtime at work, this will happen quite regularly... so if the server is not conducive to that, I guess I can find somewhere else to play during the day.
    2.) Thanks
    3.) Thanks again

    I like the server and don't want to get banned for any reason and this rule just seemed a bit, fuzzy. Thanks again for the reply
    meh, dont over think it.
    just play, when you get your call, d/c if u have to, take ur call, and then come back.
    someone gives u a hard time, just point to this thread saying "i work and d/c intermittently"..

    again, i highly doubt u'd be getting these work calls more than once or twice every (say) 6 hours?
    just try to lay low with it, judge urself by how many times you pulled that shit per day, if people bitch about "yo, he rejoined" explain ur shit, if they still bitch, just sit out the map and prove them wrong that u didnt rejoin to win THAT map, its only like 10 mins, you could do smthn more productive lol.. its not a big issue.

    enjoy the servers, and thx for asking ,its always better to take a risk and ask than to bottle up and get fucked later

    if u're honest about ur work shit, u should be fine, again, we can always tell in time what happens (we have logs of every join/rejoin/disconnect/score/demo/gameplay/kills/deaths/etc... u could ever think of , to watch over

    how hilarious would it be if you claimed you had a work call at 3 am and 3 pm on the same day (logs)... then we'd have an interesting conversation -.- lol
    Started from bottom. Now we here. <IBIS>

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Trying to hack in IBIS is like trying to kill someone in a police station, not the best idea...

  6. #6


    in a nut shell, without having to read a wall of text, we only care about reprimanding players who are intentionally doing it.
    Personal reform

  7. Default

    Yea jerm probably over reacted.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

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