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Thread: WCS Previous Scrim Comments.

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  1. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by i2o4 View Post
    Oh. I thought that was for a previous scrim. I still can't make any sense of the OP.Right above that part it says the scrim will be 8 teams of 5 players each, and then right after that it says matches will be held on "6.AUG.2012 at 6 PM, 8 PM, and 10 PM"...
    back in the day we used to have a lot of applicants. And so the thread had many teams. If u notice the datestamp, u'd see that this thread has been RECYCLED like 4 times so far so that ppl always know to keep this thread on the weekl news list. As of now, it's one 2 teams facing off. Can we have a FULL list of all CONFIRMED players that didnt bail out? I'd like to go through my priorities.
    Started from bottom. Now we here. <IBIS>

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Trying to hack in IBIS is like trying to kill someone in a police station, not the best idea...

  2. Default

    Looks like less than 8, 7 0r 6 bymy count
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

  3. Default

    so....... it is past start time whats the plan?
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

  4. Default

    Is there a thought of scrims in the future, or was it just a phase?
    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Logically I reserve the right to step in at any time and make a final judgement. Any judgement made by me can only be reversed by me.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Rosie View Post
    Is there a thought of scrims in the future, or was it just a phase?
    the wcs community is dying.
    server full of tryhards and racewhores.
    No teamwork whatsoever, just skill-less top-ranked dick wavers all over, usually stacked on the same team ("coincidence" and "auto assign" of course).
    most regulars are gone because of those people.
    a couple of niggers seem to troll the server with a certain race and exploited mechanics, I myself have tried to learn the blackness of it. enough said.
    almost no veteran admins there anymore.
    No new races or hype to bring back people.
    Loss of some ula members and workload currently handled by only phil and scribbs bcos paypal screwed me over again.
    maynard busy to organize and monitor.
    all clanners unable to replace maynard in such event.
    Zero not currently available due to him being away in japan for a few months.

    I feel like i'm obliged to still tell you that "don't worry, eventually people will want a scrim again"
    but let's face it, i highly doubt this happening, and if it DID happen, it wouldn't be as FUN as the first 2 because of the lack of social relations, networking, teamworking, friendship, and organization among the current players roaming wcs at this fucking moment.

    ^ the sad truth.
    Last edited by CYBER; 04-15-2014 at 08:17 PM.
    Started from bottom. Now we here. <IBIS>

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Trying to hack in IBIS is like trying to kill someone in a police station, not the best idea...

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by CYBER View Post
    the wcs community is dying.
    server full of tryhards and racewhores.
    At least succubus hunter is fun.

  7. Default

    I guess it is good that all the next races that are coming out are going to be team play oriented. Also I am thinking of increasing the ult blocking range for races that have it built in so that they are more powerful than users who just have a lace. I have some more options to change up the meta game and force different race options and ways of playing so that people are encouraged to work as a team more and to deal with race whoring. One idea is an item called adaptive tactics which can buff a user against players that are constantly using the same race for example. I am not sure if it will be an item or a race ability but the idea is that the more you fight against a given race the more resistant to it you become. How exactly this will work as far as damage reduction/firepower values are concerned is unknown but I want to make something that will give incentive for users to change their race within a given map. This will likely require some races to be immune to the effects of this item/ability but the ones that are will be logical choices and this can be considered a buff to those races.

    Lastly I do plan to be releasing a high level no ability race that is for users to demonstrate true skill with. This race will not have any abilities or means to use the shopmenu. I may though give it the ability to benefit its team in someway though as to assist any team balance issues when it is used. If this race will have a moving level requirement or not is up in the air but I do want to make it clear that unlocking it is considered more of a reward/perk for completing all the races.

  8. Default

    Sorry to hear that man. I miss you guys. Maybe it would help if I bought a new acct and started playing WCS again. I just got back from Korea and brought my new wife with me. Haven't played in 8 months. I'm sure I'll be rusty at first but I've just been itching to vaginalion rape some noobs!

    - - - Updated - - -

    I see Ronnie still hasn't caught up to my 6 mil points and Pass is ranked 2nd now!? As long as Wolf, Masskid, Empty, Pie Q, Tomato, Evo, Zoro, Hell Spawn, Brett, Cyber, Spasm, Tom, Gekke, Malpazm, HyperRNT, Big Blue, Yoshir, Xerenix, and Sanosuke still play, I'm itching to play as well.
    One man's ceiling is another man's floor.

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by i2o4 View Post
    I see Ronnie still hasn't caught up to my 6 mil points and Pass is ranked 2nd now!? As long as Wolf, Masskid, Empty, Pie Q, Tomato, Evo, Zoro, Hell Spawn, Brett, Cyber, Spasm, Tom, Gekke, Malpazm, HyperRNT, Big Blue, Yoshir, Xerenix, and Sanosuke still play, I'm itching to play as well.

    lol and that's with the fact that ronnie always stacks T and only plays : human, molecule, vaga, spidey, and jack. i have yet to see him play any other race.
    wolf, mass, tom, empty, tomato, hell, brett, spasm, malpaz, hyper, and sano have been a no show for ages.
    as for pieQ he got a mic and is more annoying than ever with his 70% hs ratio with with deagle and scout only, dnt remember evo, zoro either, brett left source, yoshir stacks with ronnie with same races, xerenix only plays a couple hours at night and yeah.

    i personally havent played in 3 weeks because of a couple people that piss me off due to my inability to prove that they hack, to the point of me deciding to quit instead of abusing them...
    only played once for 10 mins yesterday with 1/15 rapscallion score just out of boredom. The second i switched to vagabond against their 3 humans, 1 spidey, vagabond, and 3 jacks, simply to balance my team, the enemies start rage quitting and calling me a race whore after playing 20 mins rapscallion only. and then the server went empty again at 11 pm....the usual.

    so yah like i said, those veterans that keep u wanting to come back either no longer play, or became people u simply don't feel like playing with again.

    kinda miss fucking around with ya on dolls with eye raes and raps and shit tho lol...
    Started from bottom. Now we here. <IBIS>

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Trying to hack in IBIS is like trying to kill someone in a police station, not the best idea...

  10. #10


    I'm busy. When I take the time to play things, it ain't long till I go away again. Because I'm busy. IRL.

    It's not my fault that the WCS server developed a serious syndrome called a "meta". It's not a bad thing, but people flock to the "now" or they leave because the "now" is full of flailing our keyboards at one another to see who wins. - anime | manga | reviews

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