Wasn't the main reason to install the Group Colors plugin into the ZM Server to remove the useless <ibis.a> tag that admins must have on their in order to use commands and whatnot? Many servers don't force you to have the clan tag on when using admin commands, so why are we still behind the times? This rule should of been taken down when ZERO installed the plugin to give admins their exclusive color. GFL has this plugin and none of the admins aren't forced to have a [GFL] tag to use their powers. Why? Because that wouldn't make sense and it's unnecessary.

Because of this plugin, people would differentiate between normal users, admins, clan, and the owner of the whole clan/server(s). So why are admins still forced to to have the <ibis.a> tag on when they want to use their powers. It's counter-productive in all honesty.