Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post

  • Reprogramed from scratch!
  • Less code and larger file size (b/c code is simpler but does a shit ton more stuff)
  • Effects Added
  • Ability to trigger ult from ult button (blockable from ult immunity)
  • Can now leach over 100hp (no limit)
Quote Originally Posted by maynard View Post
13. Self slaying is not allowed on the server. It is only acceptable during a time in which a player may be glitched into the map or an object and is stuck and not able to get out of the situation.
In light of some "recent" events... this has been brought up on server from time to time on how this rule is for Undead....
I understand we can trigger the ulti now, but how does this go along with Rule 13?? I ask this because .... Allah Akbar. Suicide Bombing Only. Etc. AKA - if this is perfectly OK whether the player misses with ulti and just kills himself or just fails altogether, or it just shouldn't be allowed for the reasons of XP denial because they were rooted and would of died by a player or just suicide before they get killed etc.

There's a lot of factors behind it and scenarios, but yeah. Just trying to clear things up mostly.