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Thread: Whats your highest Death count in one round?

  1. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by the_best_noob View Post
    Somewhere around 6, nebula. Eventually the guy just decided me coming back again was impossible and I got him as he was walking away. Panorama i've gotten around 4 or 5 with though.
    ffs you have the most obnoxious sig... GTFO

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by CYBER View Post
    This was my game wasn't it? Like holy fuck man I literally picked up every damn gun in the game and ran out of ammo killing you, to the point where i had to type buy primammo in console.... that's how u got me in the end, I had to fucking reload again lol...
    Try hitting comma or period next time. That's the default key to buy ammo ^_^

  3. Default

    Warning, i have bricks in my hands and about to use them:

    For one, my comma and period keys are respectively ankh and tome.
    For second, this whole revive thing happened in office front yard under garage, no where to buy ammo as a T.
    And third, i did manage to get Mijanul (gunslinger) to swap kills with me by letting him get the last couple kills on pano and deal with his revives).

    But if u watch the demo, i went to spawn to buy ammo and a grenade and to intercept any hostages in motion because I realized we are spending way too much time killing mass kid, and wanted to avoid a sneaky hostage win while he is distracting us. But when I got to spawn I had less than 50 hp and I got set on fire by mass kid's teammate bloodmage (yes he had a bm, not all respawn were pano).

    Meanwhile Mijanul failed in killing mass kid, I got the kill on the ally while burning, mass kid shows up around the corner with full hp when I had on 8hp bcos of burn dmg and stray enemy bullet.

    He rounds the corner and i shoot him down to 20 hp bcos fucking 80 in 7 (or smthn like that) is legit as fuck, and he gets a random stray bullet on me and kills me for the win.

    So yeah, fuck this game and her built in hate for me in every aspect.
    Started from bottom. Now we here. <IBIS>

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Trying to hack in IBIS is like trying to kill someone in a police station, not the best idea...

  4. Default

    Idk about my highest death, But before we change ork to once a round I remember killing cyber like 8 times.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  5. Default

    Mine is around 15. I lost count.

    Death, pano revive sound goes off. Bloodmage respawn. Death with pano revive sound again. Nebula respawn, death. 1st pano revive, death with pano sound. 2nd pano respawn, death with pano sound. This went on for another 6 or 7 times. I scrolled, died with pano respawn. Nebula bought scroll, pano respawn went off, died with pano sound, nebula revive, died instantly with another pano respawn. Etc, etc. You get the idea ^_^

    Stacking revives with pano is pretty absurd. After this, I just took to switching into shadow hunter so my KDR didn't become quite so abysmal. That and people's reaction to pano respawn then suddenly facing a guy with invulnerability and dropping wards is pretty great.

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