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Thread: 001 Undead Scourge [0] v1.1.0

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  1. Default 001 Undead Scourge [0] v1.1.0

    Undead Scourge
    Required Level: 0
    Levels per ability: 8
    Item Restrictions: boot

    Vampiric Aura: Gives you a 60% chance to gain 12-30% of the damage you do in attack, back as health
    Unholy Aura: Gives you a speed boost, 8-36% faster
    Levitation: Allows you to jump higher by reducing your gravity for 8-64%
    Suicide Bomber: On death, you have a 30-70% chance to explode and make 80-130 damage on each player in 12-18 feet range

    Broken free of its demonic masters the Undead Scourge is actually not technically undead, but instead is a monstrous construction created by science and magical experimentation. The Undead Scourge keeps itself going though its Vampiric Aura and its Unholy Aura and Levitation abilities let it come in close for the kill. Where as a last resort the Undead Scourge will even detonate itself at the last second to take as many others with it as possible.

    • 1.0.0
      • Initial Release

    • 1.0.1
      • Restricted boots of speed

    • 1.0.2
      • Made suicide bomber have a chance to activate. Removed the factoring of damage so that if it goes off players will take the correct damage. You can no longer activate it manually.

    • 1.0.3
      • Fixed exploit in suicide bomber where you could kill your own team

    • 1.0.4
      • Updated descriptions
      • Made suicide bomber an actual ultimate but made it so that it will bypass immunities.

    • 1.0.5
      • Confirmed CODE is 100% same as 1.0.4

    • 1.0.6
      • Reprogramed from scratch!
      • Less code and larger file size (b/c code is simpler but does a shit ton more stuff)
      • Effects Added
      • Ability to trigger ult from ult button (blockable from ult immunity)
      • Can now leach over 100hp (no limit)

    • 1.0.7
      • Now uses 5 new stock functions to reduce the number of lines of code and increase readability of the program.

    • 1.0.8
      • Added && !StrEqual(weapon,"claws",false) to hit test

    • 1.0.9
      • Max health gain limited to 400hp

    • 1.1.0
      • Max health gain is now actually limited to 400hp
    Last edited by ZERO; 12-03-2014 at 12:39 AM.

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