Quote Originally Posted by Blackmage View Post
One other thing, about roots, you now have to get your target in a forward arc instead of just hitting anyone in the radius. Haven't seen root hit more than one person either.

I still don't follow this, when one of the main uses for this ability is countering speed. Why would a counter for the ability be what it is supposed to counter? But if this is what zero will, so be it. I REALLY don't get, flavour wise, why teleporting would NOT get away, and flight would.

A funny note: if vaga/spidey uses their ult while tangled, they keep the momentum when the tangle goes away
speed != flight.

speed is flame pre, undead, suc. hunter, spiderman...

flight is flight. bash is your best friend against flight, since bash (at least it use to) make them drop from the sky