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Thread: Bhop Scripting and how to spot it

  1. Default Bhop Scripting and how to spot it

    Just a quick little guide on this issue in particular. Bhop scripting is using a tool which makes bunnyhopping basically automatic. It can be done by basically binding a button to constantly jump for example, or can be used like a toggleswitch so you don't even have to hold the button down. The how isn't what's important though, what we all need to understand is that while the script is active, the user will be bunnyhopping FLAWLESSLY. On all of our servers, it is possible to bunnyhop without scripts, usually by using the scroll wheel to jump. USING SCROLL WHEEL TO JUMP IS PERFECTLY LEGAL. However even the best at this method will screw up every now and then, and lose their momentum. So if you're looking at someone to see if they're bhopping, look for these things:

    1. Mistakes? Mistimed jumps? Does he lose his momentum? If so, it's not a script. Scripts are flawless, or very close to it...that's how they're made. Unless he's purposefully hiding a bhop script...nobody does that.

    2. Ramps/uneven surfaces. If it's not flat or downhill, bhopping is extremely difficult, especially in the case of stairs. If they're bhopping flawlessly up stairs, up ramps, over uneven surfaces with any consistency, most likely you're looking at scripter.

    3. Is he on WCS? If so, several races have long jump, and bhopping is very easy with those races. Hell I used to do it with just a spacebar. Keep that in mind, however if the race has no long jump/gravity reducing abilities, you can still spot this in WCS using the above tips.

    4. Is he a zombie in zm? If someone's somehow consistently bhopping as a zombie, something's fucked up... see THIS thread. NOTE: bhopping is still possible for humans.

    5. Review some old bhop script ban demos. These three( 1 2 3 ) should be decent examples, pay attention to the ticks listed and note what we see in them.

    6. If this is your first bhop script case, don't ban right away. Call in someone more experienced (anex, hitman, chef, me, cyber, scribs, spasm just to name a few) to take a look, or post up a demo without making the ban. Better to wait a bit than to make an unwarranted ban.

    7. Are they using a heavy weapon? Bhopping with something like awp/m249 is not only inefficient, but damn near impossible with anything but a script. Keep an eye out for that. (thanks cyber)

    8. Scripts may also give a robotic mouse motion impression, from anex: "Ex, camera not moving up or down, only moving left and right. Camera moving left and right at the exact same points."

    As always, if you need to review the demo, post the demo, or send a demo to someone else to review, those are found HERE. Or of course you can record a personal demo, just be sure to include sb_status at the end.
    Last edited by brett friggin favre; 01-29-2013 at 02:40 PM.

    Through the darkness of futures past,
    The magician longs to see
    One chants out between two worlds:
    Fire, walk with me.

  2. Default

    Very nice write up. Much needed.

  3. Default

    Should make a compilation sticky of these types of threads.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  4. #4


    Looks great, but where does it say in that thread that zombies can't b-hop.

  5. Default

    yeah... u better thank me you copyright-infringing piece of shit.

    much love.
    +1 to sticky this thread, just bcos it has my name... oh and bcos it's actually fucking useful for newbies.
    Started from bottom. Now we here. <IBIS>

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Trying to hack in IBIS is like trying to kill someone in a police station, not the best idea...

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by thecat View Post
    Looks great, but where does it say in that thread that zombies can't b-hop.
    It doesn't. The purpose of showing that link was to show how difficult it is to now bhop in zm and should be relatively easy to catch a scripter. Basically if you see a zombie consistently bhopping (gaining speed) like in the ol'days, he is most likely scripting since achieving such a feat is inhuman.

    Another way to easily identify a scripter is to monitor his actions. Most, if not all scripts, give off a robotic impression.

    Ex, camera not moving up or down, only moving left and right. Camera moving left and right at the exact same points.

  7. Default

    Is zero also still looking into the hop in tubes etc for zm maps because the hitbox still dissapers.

    1 # 1

    “Language is a complicated thing! It has multiple meanings.”

  8. Default

    Once momentum is built, switching to a primary weapon won't effect speed that much. I agree with it not being efficient though.

    4) Use admin privileges sparingly and appropriately.

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Sin View Post
    Once momentum is built, switching to a primary weapon won't effect speed that much. I agree with it not being efficient though.
    right, not saying any of these things are fool proof, just that they can help you catch someone.

    added anex's robotic movement comment

    Through the darkness of futures past,
    The magician longs to see
    One chants out between two worlds:
    Fire, walk with me.

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Meltdown View Post
    Is zero also still looking into the hop in tubes etc for zm maps because the hitbox still dissapers.
    We talked about this with zero just the other night bro when he was trying to work on the new admin/clan/reserve skins, as well as the !block command on escape maps so I think he is looking into it just to let you know, And just a lil something to add into this really well posted thread u can look for people using Bhop scrips as they will almost always turn one way when jumping and a normal pro Bhopper will sway left to right to pick up speed!. I know I am not clan/uperadmin yet but i would like to say this would be a good sticky to help new admins

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